Hooho.io allows you to quickly compare and implement the best speech recognition solution for your needs among Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Rev.ai (for now).

You will easily find the best provider for your project

The quality of a speech recognition depends on many factors such as the type of content, language, recording quality...

Therefore, it is important to test several solutions and compare their results.

There’re two ways to make the comparison:

  • either you create an account on each platform, create the test applications and look at each documentation to do the tests.
  • or you use the Hooho API to test the 4 platforms at the same time.

A single integration allows you to interact with multiple speech recognition providers

You have only one API able that sends requests to different platforms.
Moreover, the output you get back is always the same, even if the provider is different. The structure of Hooho output is optimized to provide you all the expected information in the most adapted format.

Recognition technologies are making rapid progress but you are able to keep pace.

Advances in the speech recognition industry are very fast. If you want to change your provider, you can do it quickly while continuing to use the same output format thanks to Hooho.

The following actions are possible through the Hooho API:

  • Make the recognition (of an audio or video file) and get the transcript.
  • Calculate the WER (Word Error Rate) of a recognition using your reference transcript(s).
  • Use a plain text script to align it to a file with the corresponding audio.

You can perform the previous actions using the services we support:

  • Amazon
  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Rev.ai
  • Speechmatics (recognition AND alignment)